TnP Law Firm

TnP Law Firm Supported PT Petrosea Tbk in Its Successful Shelf-Registered Bonds and Sukuk Ijarah Public Offering

TnP Law Firm is honored to represent PT Petrosea Tbk (PTRO) in its Shelf-Registered Bonds and Sukuk Ijarah Public Offering I Phase I issuance, valued at IDR 1.5 trillion.


This offering comprises of Shelf-Registered Bonds amounting to IDR 1 trillion and Shelf-Registered Sukuk Ijarah amounting to IDR 500 billion. The proceeds will be allocated for working capital purposes and to support PTRO’s ongoing business activities and strategic development.


We are proud to have played a key role in the listing of the Shelf-Registered Debt Securities (Bond and Sukuk Ijarah) I Phase I. Special thanks to our dedicated team, led by Partners, Rambun Tjajo and Ken Prasadtyo, with primary support from Associate Partner, Kevin Yehezkiel, Senior Associate, Yonastan Pangestu, and Associates, Christine Setiawati and Andrew Jonathan.


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